REGISTRATION IS $20.00 PER PERSON, YOU WILL BE PROMPTED TO PAY WHEN YOU SUBMIT THE REGISTRATION. FOR SHIRT SIZES LARGER THAN AN XL, PLEASE ADD $2.00. I understand that this event is a potentially hazardous activity and voluntarily assume all responsibility for the risk of any injury or accident which may occur during my participation. To the fullest extent of the law I, for myself, my next of kin, my heirs, administrators and executors hereby release and hold harmless and covenant not to file suit against Kohen's Park, Kohen's Park Foundation or Kohen's Park L.L.C. In submitting this form, I certify that I am in good physical condition and am solely responsible for my personal health, safety and personal property and that of my participating minors. This event will not be held at Kohen's Park. Participants are to choose their own course and complete 4 miles between 9/21/20-10/19/20. Please post a picture of yourself at your finish line. We love to see where Kohen's name goes. We will post when the shirts and medals are ready for pick up. Medals are only guaranteed for the first 100 participants.  

Primary Contact Name:   Primary Contact Phone:  

Primary Contact Email

Participant Information:

Name:   Date of Birth:   Shirt Size:

Name:   Date of Birth:   Shirt Size:

Name:   Date of Birth:   Shirt Size:

Name:   Date of Birth:   Shirt Size:

Name:   Date of Birth:   Shirt Size:

Name:   Date of Birth:   Shirt Size:

Name:   Date of Birth:   Shirt Size:

Name:   Date of Birth:   Shirt Size:

Name:   Date of Birth:   Shirt Size:

Name:   Date of Birth:   Shirt Size:

Name:   Date of Birth:   Shirt Size:

Name:   Date of Birth:   Shirt Size:

Name:   Date of Birth:   Shirt Size:

Name:   Date of Birth:   Shirt Size:

Name:   Date of Birth:   Shirt Size:

Name:   Date of Birth:   Shirt Size: